Second Album in a series of albums commemorating the show in San Cristobal

March 21st 2014

Welcoming Spring with all our Love and Beauty

“La Enseñanza Casa De La Ciudad”
San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Opening night - a Pascal imagewelcome - image Mark Henson 4Liba with the Director f the Ensenanza and the Minister of Culture - picture Michel Roudniskacarlos Sepeda - Secretary of Economic and Social Development - picture Michel RoudniskaThe artistas - a Pascal imageLiba & Gabriela with the Director of the Ensenanza - a Pascal imageAll in white for the incoming Spring - a Pascal imageit's launched - picture Michel RoudniskaArtists present at the opening - a Pascal image-a Pascal Stambollion picHector Pineda - picture Michel Roudniska- a Carrie Anne Baade image Liba & Gabriela- a Fabian Jimenez picture 2Otto Rapp- picture Michel Roudniskaopening night - picture Michel RoudniskaOtto Rapp  - a Pascal imageAxel with Carlos - picture Michel Roudniska998441_748577398509893_1005784598_n6Opening - a Pascal imageDon Farrell & his wife - a Pascal imageAxel & Vincent Gallet -  Pascal Stambollion picOpening night - a Pascal imageBruce Rimell -  Pascal Stambollion picOpening night - a Pascal imageMichel Roudnitska -  Pascal Stambollion picGabriela Garza Padilla with Fabian Jimenez - a Fabian Jimenez picture 11Axel Lecourt- a Fabian Jimenez picture 3red ribbon - picture Michel Roudniska- a Fabian Jimenez picture 4image from Iran 3Welcome! - image from Iran 4- a Fabian Jimenez picture 7a Gabriela Garza Padilla pictureimage - Pascal Stambollion - picture Michel Roudniskathe show is open - picture Michel RoudniskaA Michel Roudnitska photoa Gabriela Garza Padilla pictureimage - Pascal Stambollion- a Carrie Anne Baade image 5image - Pascal Stambollionimage - Pascal Stambollionimage - Pascal Stambollionimage - Pascal Stambollionimage - Pascal StambollionGaia Orion - a Pascal Stambollion picDennis Potokar - image - Pascal Stambollionimage - Pascal Stambollionimage - Pascal StambollionMartin Stensaas- Pascal Stambollion picLiba WS, Mavi Remmires, Gabriela Garza Padilla,  - Pascal Stambollion picMayan Dancers to lead the parade through the streets- Pascal Stambollion picReady to take the show to the streets- image Mark Henson 2- a Carrie Anne Baade image - 91Spring bienvenido - Pascal2Spring bienvenido - Pascal3Spring bienvenido - Pascalparade - picture Michel Roudniskadancing in the streets - picture Michel RoudniskaSpring bienvenido - Pascal6Spring bienvenido - Pascal7Spring bienvenido - Pascalparade2 - picture Michel Roudniska-- image Mark Henson12Spring bienvenido - PascalSpring bienvenido - a Pascal image

The first album “Setting up the Show” has been updated with photos of artists & their paintings:

Roku Sasaki -  A Don Farrell image

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