Through a series of books, exhibits and events Dreams & Divinities offers the public a window into an emerging planetary movement of ‘Conscious Art’

The project unites a culturally eclectic group of artists, writers, musicians and performers, each with their unique dream of this experience, yet united through artistic collaboration and community. The quest and expression of Universal Love is a central unifying theme.

Thematically, the art is inspired by cultural/spiritual references, nature, visions, dreams or fantasy.

The principal visual styles showcased in the project are Visionary, Surrealist and Fantastic.

Community building through collaborative projects and events is a central part of Dreams and Divinities. It offers an opportunity for artists with resonant dreams to find each other, to be inspired by each other and to unfold our best potential as a global movement.


Dreams & Divinities is an organic project which was birthed from a book.

My name is Liba W Stambollion and I am an artist who likes to make books. I used to make handmade books, but in 2012, I started building book structures for artist collaborations and publishing them. This developed into exhibiting the original artwork alongside the publications. Musicians, video and performance artists joined in our events, and the merry bandwagon morphed in and out of new projects with Creativity and Love as our guide! See the page Shows to see what we have been up.


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